These were the set of buildings that housed the stays of the chapter as well as the governing and management bodies of the cathedral. It was formally established in 1168 together with the Pia Almoina, a charity for feeding the poor and pilgrims who were passing through the city.
The Canonical House is the result of a long construction process that extended from the second half of the 12th century until the 16th century. Located next to the cloister, the Canonical House is organized into different naves, which were occupied over time by the Santa Maria l’Antiga Chapel, the Pia Almoina, the Chapter House, the Decani, the Library, the Notarial Archives, etc. Today they are all open spaces, but in their time of great richness as evidenced by wall paintings from the Pia Almoina now exhibited in the Museu de Lleida: diocesà i comarcal, there is the trace of a magnificent balcony still visible on the facade of the building or the Renaissance gates of the Chapter House and Santa Maria l’Antiga.
As can be seen recently (2008), the Canonical House host once again governance and management bodies, not only of the cathedral, but also of all the monuments on the hill of the Seu Vella.