Despite the loss of a significant part of the artistic patrimony adorning the cathedral, the church retains high quality carvings that allow it to be positioned as the most outstanding Catalan production of the 13th century. An analysis of its stylistic characteristics has identified various studios that were familiar with Italian carvings sometimes or influenced by models of southern France on other occasions, which would give way to an ornamental repertoire that would define the so-called Lleida School of Romanesque Sculpture.
The Old and New Testament, narrative cycles of saints, most notably that of the apostle James, battle scenes between good and evil, between man and sin, are common themes in the church. However, within the catalogue there is a theme, that of the Annunciation, which is repeated consistently and must be linked to the ownership of the church, since it was dedicated to St. Mary.
The cloister, however, is where plant, flower and animal motifs burst onto the scene, where grape leaves, clusters and fantastic creatures try to create a niche in the midst of nature.
Although capitals make up much of the sculpture, we must not forget the portals, cornices, corbels, or keystones, many with polychromy.